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Caridina cantonensis sp. "Red Tiger" videos



These gorgeous yellow shrimps are for sale.


They are beautiful, rare and, at the same time, hardy and undemanding like red cherry shrimps. They can live and breed in any freshwater aquarium. Their scientific name is Neocaridina heteropoda var. yellow. I will post more info about them here or you can easily find it in Internet.


Price is $4 each, or 10 shrimps for $35.


I'm selling juvenile shrimps. They survive moving better and acclimatize in a new place easily. They will be about 3/4" in size.


Pick up in Toronto near Keele / Bloor intersection.

Shipping allover Canada is available. Shipping cost is $14-$50 and depends from your location. Insulation packing and a heatpack will be provided in this winter time. Ask me for an accurate shipping quote with your postal code.


Check basic shrimp needs and contact me

by email: or

by phone 647 701 3728 Web Directory